Nathan Chen returned to yale at the end of that summer after ending his leave for two years. Yale housing management would make Chen think he is going back to the future.
"he feels like he is returning to the first year," Chen stated," he was a junior growing gradually.
Nathan had his room at Yale's previous campus, where first-year students already had a residence in the residence halls. After enrollment, Nathan had his first residence at Yale's previous campus in 2018-19.
Nathan was found to learn about guitar lessons as a fun and extracurricular activity.
Whereas Nathan was specializing in statistics and data sciences for that purpose, he would have to attend his classes ideally to satisfy himself; Nathan was trying to learn and embed well enough for the exams instead of going through his studies. He liked to get himself betrothed with other students as well. He wasn't getting more chances for friendship.
That's why he wished to get his residence at campus once more. He was five years older than most of the students in the rooms while he was 23. His official batch was about to pass out that week.
For this purpose reigning Olympic champion was unable to complete his last two years at yale as he said that his skating future was undefined.
He was expecting to skate more days unlikely, but he ensured that he would be mostly on general sessions at yale rink.
Asked if there would be any chance to compete next season held in the fall, Chen replied that he didn't think next season; he wondered if there were a great chance.
He would try to compete once more after graduating. Chen stated: that he had no idea that he was pleased with the things he had already proficient.
The truth was that Chen had been busy with his previous life in Olympics. He has different designations first as a celebrity than with stars on ice in Japan, His present designation as a headliner on the 24 –city stars on Ice U.S trip that runs by May 29. He thought about his next day's schedule.
He faced a planned five-day quarantine on Island, New York when Chen knew about COVID. He hesitates because the trip dates are near, and suddenly they all are scheduled on weekends. He watched all the shows, but because of his condition, he could not join the 2021 and 2022 U.S . Olympic teams for their White House Visit.
Chen also explained his condition by saying that he was not allowed to talk to his coach(Rafael Arutunian) face to face as well since the Olympics.
He describes his significant summer plan as a Hawaii vacation with his parents and his four siblings; one is from Oahu named Tony.
Chen said that he lives with his mother named Hetty Wang, but they are both apart from their family and have lived in Salt Lake City since Chen Began working with Aruturnain in Southern California some 12 years ago. When Chen moved toward Yale, his mother also went to Utah.
After four years, Chen was impressed and inspired by the desire and wishes on behalf of the Olympics and a view for his gold medal. the most significant thing is that what happened in Bejing in his life will not be able to forget in his future
At present, he is excited to play the new guitar also.
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